Meet B2C:

A vision for the independence & empowerment of regional & rural small business in Australia.

B2C is dedicated to making marketing a small business or community organisation in a small town simpler, more sustainable and more joyful. Why? Because when small business thrives, their communities prosper.

Small business owners & community leaders are tenacious and generous; they often have the least to give both in terms of cashflow and time, and yet they give both in abundance to their local region. They employ locals, source local goods and services where they can, they mentor our teens, coach our kids on the weekend and donate to charitable causes. Often whilst being dedicated parents, devoted children and steadfast friends to those around them.

If we can make marketing their businesses and organisations more efficient and effective, we know that the flow on effects to their local suburbs and towns will be vast. And we as a nation will flourish.


COVID: The Gamechanger

Our Founder has been working alongside regional small business and community not-for-profits for over 15 years, and has long seen the struggle to survive and grow. Many of this seemed beyond their control: tech overwhelm, social media confusion and trying to keep up with the latest ‘thing’.

Then when the COVID pandemic hit, the pressure on small business tripled overnight, and again the lives of SBOs seemed out of control. Pivoting to their entire business structures to online, pick up and takeaway, turning lifelong customers away, daily changes to trading restrictions and being forced to close when the mountain became too steep. However, those that had mastered their online presence stood the best chance of rising to the challenge.

The stress, conflict and disconnection experienced throughout the pandemic - and in it’s ongoing wake - was vast. Those critical relationships between families, friends, loyal customers and broader communities had reached breaking point. And it is these relationships that are fundamental to the success of our regional and rural towns.

By restoring a sense of control over their digital presence, their capacity to continue trading and their customer communications, we can in turn restore a sense of control to these business owners and community leaders over their own destinies.

Through education, training and empowerment, B2C can support these brilliant individuals and teams in their future growth. Our vision is to make regional small business owners and community organisation operators more independent in their communications, more adaptable to change and more in control of their relationships with their customers.

The 6 c's of B2C

Many of our clients may be familiar with the original meaning of a B2C business, ‘Business to Consumer’ (whereas B2B means the ‘Business to Business’ model). And whilst we serve many fantastic small business-to-consumer entities, to us B2C means so much more:



Back 2 Control

For too long, small business owners (particularly outside major metropolitan areas) have felt out of control of their marketing and communication channels - essential ingredients in their business growth. This stems from many service providers not creating solutions that empower the SBO, but rather keep them dependent on someone else’s knowledge and skillset.

We want to put that knowledge in the hands of the business owner, offering solutions that keep them in the driver’s seat (without all the fancy tech lingo)


Back 2 Clarity

Marketing is not about getting hung up on likes, shares, clicks and follows (If it doesn’t impress the bank, it shouldn’t impress you that much either!). These things are all by-products of effective marketing, which is based on telling your story as a business.

We help you get clear on your story, and then show you how it underpins successful ongoing marketing. How did your business begin? What are your core values? Why should potential customers choose you?


Back 2 Creativity

Marketing is the chance to fall in love with your business again. It shouldn’t be stressful, confusing or time consuming. Our mission is to help you and your team tell your organisation’s story with excitement and joy.

Not only will it make it easier to promote your offering with passion and consistency, your love for what you do will shine through your communications and grab your audience’s attention.


Back 2 Connection

Despite all the apps and tools at our disposal, we feel more disconnected from each other than ever before. Our focus is on helping you connect with potential customers in a way that sparks a genuine relationship with those most likely to do business with you.

Marketing shouldn’t be about copying TikTok dances, lip syncing on Insta or spamming your target market with ads. It’s a chance to have that ‘hey, how are ya?’ interaction with them, using digital platforms to have those conversations at scale.


Back 2 Customers

Our mission here is simple. Your marketing should be about your customers. Who is most likely to need what you do, and who will resonate with the unique way you do it?

We help you identify their needs, their goals, their objections and fears, so you can position your business as a heartfelt solution to a problem you understand, not just a bunch of products & services on offer.


Back 2 Community

THIS is what it’s all about. We want to help restore the sense of community in your business, healing those strained relationships with lifelong customers and returning to the rich, vibrant business life we once had.

We want to create more time and space for you to engage with your wider community. We want you to enjoy more quality moments your family, coach that team and sponsor that event or just take that day of rest you’ve been needing. All with the peace of mind knowing your marketing tech is working 24/7 to connect your business with potential customers.

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